著名剧院Coronet 的建筑外景观
2017年11月,地处伦敦Notting Hill Gate的著名剧院Coronet / PrintRoom做了一场别开生面的诗集发行活动:由我把自己的自传体长诗《叙事诗》,改编成一个朗诵演出脚本,由“鬼话”序言、中英文诗歌朗诵、大提琴与现代舞贯穿交织而成。整场演出,以爵士乐风格的《京剧课》压轴,人生如戏,戏如人生——努力演得精彩些吧!呵呵。(杨炼)
牡丹簇拥 细细的蕊上站着亭台
她的腮过渡给他 梦半红半白
人耶鬼耶 不可能的美袅袅于世外
袅袅近了 扑鼻的粉香托起肉香
莲步 云靴 趟得涟漪满池漾开
他唱 而她为每个拖长的尾音签名
人生如戏 可并非人人都演得精彩
东安市场 吉祥剧院 金鱼胡同
都追着妃子 云想衣裳花想容
她和他 美目流盼填充虚无的剧情
水袖甩着千年 谁在乎干透的名字
酒杯看不见地斟满 看不见地一饮而空
旋舞 真剪下的花颈迎着假的年龄
世界埋伏进空气 随一声鹤唳
而显现 朝代啊 殷红惨白都是喜
永远同一个故事 永远这对男女
踩着现在的刃 悬崖下大海远去
她和他俯瞰我们 非风韵到极点不可
炉火纯青啊 贯穿耳畔的沉寂
peonies cluster round on their fine stamens stand pergola andpatio
her cheek transits over to him a dream half-white half-red
his sweet tenderness becomes her springtime soprano
is’t man? is’t ghost? an impossible beauty dallies with theworld beyond
dalliance approaching powder’s perfume shores up the aroma offlesh
hip-swinging high buskins wade the rifflingpool and see it overflow
he sings andshe puts her signature to each drawn-out end-rhyme
life is like theatre but not everyone puts on a brilliant show
--- says Father
Eastern Peace Market Fortuna Theatre Goldfish Lane
all chasing the king’s concubine clouds want clothes flowers want faces
history wants broken-down relics that follow aftergreasepaint is gone
he and she amorous looks and sweet ogling fill in a blank storyline
white silk sleeves have been rippling amillennium who cares about dry names?
the shot glass is filled up all unseen is knocked back all unseen
the snapped neck hanging from the strap in a darkenedprivate party
pirouettes atrue cut flower has encountered an untrue maturity
--- says Father
a world hidden in air materialises
with the crane’s cries oh dynasties thecrimson and the white are bliss indeed
an aria forced from deep in the throat forces out Deep Time’s metamorphoses
always the same story always this girl and this boy
treading the margin of the stage as if it were themargin of time
treading the knife-edge of the now the oceans below the cliff recede
she and he watch us from a great height only extreme elegance allowed
oh how golden shines art’s alembic it pierces every silence in the ears
--- says Father
●杨炼 (1955—),中国朦胧诗的代表诗人之一。生于瑞士,文革中开始写作,朦胧诗最早作者之一,1983年以长诗《诺日朗》轰动大陆诗坛,1988年后环球漂泊,追求建立“诗意的他者”之自觉。2012年获诺尼诺国际文学奖(Nonino International Literature Prize),2013年获首届“天铎”长诗奖,2014年获卡普里国际诗歌奖(The International Capri Prize2014)。2013年应邀成为挪威文学暨自由表达学院院士。2008年至2014年任国际笔会理事。现任汕头大学驻校作家暨讲座教授。现居柏林与伦敦。
杨炼 II诺日朗因缘七:“现实哀歌”
杨炼 II诺日朗因缘六:“柏林式写作”
杨炼 II诺日朗因缘四 :《山海经》人物
杨炼 II诺日朗因缘二:“柏林墙,到处都是!”
杨炼 II杨炼:上海文学“诺日朗因缘”专栏